BCD Watch

Keeping an eye on changes to MDN’s Browser Compatibility Data

This site automatically collects, indexes, and makes available for viewing (and as subscribe-able feeds), information about updates to Browser Compatibility Data (BCD). Currently there are two different views (and feeds) on this data, which are compiled each Tuesday (US/Eastern time).

Perhaps you're interested in which changes were reported last week, or more specifically which features became "new baseline" last week (marked as available in all 3 engines).

If you encounter any problems with BCD Watch or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue in our Github repository, or submit suggested changes via pull request if you like.

Full Weekly Report

All the BCD updates that occurred in the last week: features added or removed, and which features gained or lost engine support.

RSS feed

Baselines Weekly Report

All the BCD entries that moved to “Baseline: Newly available” status in the past week; i.e., are now supported in all three major browser engines.

RSS feed
Archive of past reports, most to least recent

Full Weekly Report

Baselines Weekly Report