BCD Watch

BCD Changes Report

Summary of BCD changes from through πŸ”—

Browser Support Changes: +0, -0

BCD Metadata Changes: 219

Show all 219 changes

Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occuring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.

Backfilled entries (112)

The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Friday, 8 December 2023, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.


  1. api ➞ EventTarget ➞ addEventListener ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_passive_parameter_default_true_touch
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ FontFaceSet ➞ loading_event
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ FontFaceSet ➞ loadingdone_event
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ FontFaceSet ➞ loadingerror_event
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ RTCRtpSender ➞ getParameters ➞ return_object_property_degradationPreference
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ RTCRtpSender ➞ setParameters ➞ parameters_degradationPreference_parameter
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ Window ➞ deviceorientationabsolute_event
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ credentialless Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_accel
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_alt
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_altgraph
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_capslock
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_control
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_fn
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_meta
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_numlock
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_os
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_scrolllock
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_shift
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_symbol
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ MediaDevices ➞ getDisplayMedia ➞ monitorTypeSurfaces_option Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ OffscreenCanvas ➞ getContext ➞ webgpu_context Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_top-level-storage-access Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ SVGGeometryElement ➞ isPointInFill ➞ point_parameter_DOMPoint
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ SVGGeometryElement ➞ isPointInStroke ➞ point_parameter_DOMPoint
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ filter ➞ svg
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. css ➞ properties ➞ text-wrap
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. css ➞ properties ➞ text-wrap ➞ balance
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. css ➞ properties ➞ text-wrap ➞ nowrap
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  5. css ➞ properties ➞ text-wrap ➞ stable
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. css ➞ properties ➞ text-wrap ➞ wrap
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  7. css ➞ selectors ➞ before ➞ animation_and_transition_support
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-app-region
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  9. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  10. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-border-vertical-spacing
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  11. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-axis
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  12. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-after
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  13. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-before
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  14. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-inside
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  15. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-progression
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  16. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-cursor-visibility
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  17. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-character
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  18. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-after
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  19. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-before
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  20. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  21. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-initial-letter
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  22. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-align
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  23. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-box-contain
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  24. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-grid
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  25. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-snap
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  26. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-locale
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  27. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-logical-height
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  28. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-logical-width
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  29. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-margin-after
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  30. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-margin-before
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  31. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-outset
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  32. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  33. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-slice
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  34. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-source
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  35. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-width
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  36. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-source-type
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  37. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-max-logical-height
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  38. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-max-logical-width
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  39. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-min-logical-height
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  40. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-min-logical-width
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  41. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-nbsp-mode
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  42. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-perspective-origin-x
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  43. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-perspective-origin-y
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  44. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-rtl-ordering
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  45. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-combine
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  46. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-decoration-skip
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  47. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  48. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-zoom
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  49. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-x
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  50. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-y
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  51. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-z
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  52. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-user-drag
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  53. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-user-modify
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  54. css ➞ properties ➞ hyphens ➞ auto
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  55. css ➞ properties ➞ word-break ➞ auto-phrase
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  56. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-first-node
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  57. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-focus-inner
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  58. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-last-node
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  59. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-list-bullet
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  60. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-list-number
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  61. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-progress-bar
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  62. css ➞ selectors ➞ -webkit-slider-runnable-track
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  63. css ➞ selectors ➞ -webkit-slider-thumb
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  64. css ➞ selectors ➞ selection ➞ text-decoration
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  65. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ color ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  66. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ hsl ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  67. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ hwb ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  68. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ lab ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  69. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ lch ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  70. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ oklab ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  71. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ oklch ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  72. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ rgb ➞ relative_syntax Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  73. css ➞ types ➞ length ➞ em
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. html ➞ elements ➞ link ➞ rel ➞ modulepreload
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. html ➞ elements ➞ td ➞ rowspan ➞ rowspan_zero
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. http ➞ headers ➞ Access-Control-Expose-Headers ➞ wildcard
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. http ➞ headers ➞ Content-Security-Policy ➞ prefetch-src
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  3. http ➞ headers ➞ Content-Security-Policy ➞ report-sample
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. http ➞ headers ➞ Content-Security-Policy ➞ report-to
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  5. http ➞ headers ➞ Content-Security-Policy ➞ script-src-elem
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. svg ➞ attributes ➞ presentation ➞ fill-rule
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. webextensions ➞ api ➞ dns ➞ resolve
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Error ➞ cause ➞ displayed_in_console
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZoneName_parameter ➞ extended_values
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZone_parameter ➞ iana_time_zones
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_assertions
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  5. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_assertions ➞ type_json
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines

New entries (89)

The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Friday, 8 December 2023, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (β€œRemoved BCD entries”) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.


  1. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ credentialless
  2. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_accel
  3. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_alt
  4. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_altgraph
  5. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_capslock
  6. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_control
  7. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_fn
  8. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_meta
  9. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_numlock
  10. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_os
  11. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_scrolllock
  12. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_shift
  13. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ key_parameter_symbol
  14. api ➞ MediaDevices ➞ getDisplayMedia ➞ monitorTypeSurfaces_option
  15. api ➞ OffscreenCanvas ➞ getContext ➞ webgpu_context
  16. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_top-level-storage-access
  17. api ➞ SVGGeometryElement ➞ isPointInFill ➞ point_parameter_DOMPoint
  18. api ➞ SVGGeometryElement ➞ isPointInStroke ➞ point_parameter_DOMPoint


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-app-region
  2. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing
  3. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-border-vertical-spacing
  4. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-axis
  5. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-after
  6. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-before
  7. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-break-inside
  8. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-column-progression
  9. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-cursor-visibility
  10. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-character
  11. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-after
  12. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-before
  13. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines
  14. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-initial-letter
  15. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-align
  16. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-box-contain
  17. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-grid
  18. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-line-snap
  19. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-locale
  20. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-logical-height
  21. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-logical-width
  22. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-margin-after
  23. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-margin-before
  24. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-outset
  25. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat
  26. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-slice
  27. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-source
  28. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-box-image-width
  29. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-mask-source-type
  30. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-max-logical-height
  31. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-max-logical-width
  32. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-min-logical-height
  33. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-min-logical-width
  34. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-nbsp-mode
  35. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-perspective-origin-x
  36. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-perspective-origin-y
  37. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-rtl-ordering
  38. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-combine
  39. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-decoration-skip
  40. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect
  41. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-text-zoom
  42. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-x
  43. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-y
  44. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-transform-origin-z
  45. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-user-drag
  46. css ➞ properties ➞ -webkit-user-modify
  47. css ➞ properties ➞ hyphens ➞ auto
  48. css ➞ properties ➞ word-break ➞ auto-phrase
  49. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-first-node
  50. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-focus-inner
  51. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-last-node
  52. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-list-bullet
  53. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-list-number
  54. css ➞ selectors ➞ -moz-progress-bar
  55. css ➞ selectors ➞ -webkit-slider-runnable-track
  56. css ➞ selectors ➞ -webkit-slider-thumb
  57. css ➞ selectors ➞ selection ➞ text-decoration
  58. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ color ➞ relative_syntax
  59. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ hsl ➞ relative_syntax
  60. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ hwb ➞ relative_syntax
  61. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ lab ➞ relative_syntax
  62. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ lch ➞ relative_syntax
  63. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ oklab ➞ relative_syntax
  64. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ oklch ➞ relative_syntax
  65. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ rgb ➞ relative_syntax
  66. css ➞ types ➞ length ➞ em


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Error ➞ cause ➞ displayed_in_console
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZoneName_parameter ➞ extended_values
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZone_parameter ➞ iana_time_zones
  4. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_assertions
  5. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_assertions ➞ type_json

Removed entries (18)

The entries in this section were found in BCD on Friday, 8 December 2023, but are no longer present. The reasons for this removal can be anything from an experimental proposal that was never supported to a property or value being renamed to something else.


  1. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ accel_parameter
  2. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ alt_parameter
  3. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ altgraph_parameter
  4. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ capslock_parameter
  5. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ control_parameter
  6. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ fn_parameter
  7. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ meta_parameter
  8. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ numlock_parameter
  9. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ os_parameter
  10. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ scrolllock_parameter
  11. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ shift_parameter
  12. api ➞ KeyboardEvent ➞ getModifierState ➞ symbol_parameter


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ font-variant ➞ font-variant-emoji
  2. css ➞ properties ➞ hyphens ➞ auto_value


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZoneName_parameter ➞ options_timeZoneName_parameter_iana
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ DateTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_timeZone_parameter ➞ options_timeZone_parameter_iana
  3. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_attribues_assert
  4. javascript ➞ statements ➞ import ➞ import_attribues_assert ➞ type_json