BCD Watch

BCD Changes Report

Summary of BCD changes from through πŸ”—

Browser Support Changes: +56, -0

Support increases (56)


  1. api ➞ CSSContainerRule ➞ containerName
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ CSSContainerRule ➞ containerQuery
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ additiveSymbols
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ fallback
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ name
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ negative
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ pad
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ prefix
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ range
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ speakAs
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ suffix
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ symbols
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ CSSCounterStyleRule ➞ system
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ CSSKeyframesRule ➞ length Spec link
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ CanvasRenderingContext2D ➞ drawImage ➞ SVGImageElement_source_image
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ Headers ➞ getSetCookie
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ InputDeviceInfo ➞ getCapabilities
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ Notification ➞ silent
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ Selection ➞ removeRange
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ StorageManager ➞ estimate
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ GPU ➞ wgslLanguageFeatures
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ VisibilityStateEntry
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ @@iterator Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ entries Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  27. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ forEach Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  28. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ has Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  29. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ keys Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  30. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ size Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  31. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ values Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ additive-symbols
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ fallback
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ negative
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ pad
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ prefix
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ range
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ symbols
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ system
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. css ➞ properties ➞ contain-intrinsic-block-size
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. css ➞ properties ➞ contain-intrinsic-height
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. css ➞ properties ➞ contain-intrinsic-inline-size
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. css ➞ properties ➞ contain-intrinsic-size
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. css ➞ properties ➞ contain-intrinsic-width
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. css ➞ properties ➞ font-size-adjust ➞ two-values
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  16. css ➞ properties ➞ grid-template-columns ➞ subgrid
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. css ➞ properties ➞ grid-template-rows ➞ subgrid
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. css ➞ properties ➞ text-transform ➞ full-size-kana
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  19. css ➞ properties ➞ text-transform ➞ full-width
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ DurationFormat
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ format
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  4. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ formatToParts
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  5. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ resolvedOptions
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  6. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ supportedLocalesOf
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines

BCD Metadata Changes: 390

Show all 390 changes

Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occuring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.

Backfilled entries (136)

The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Friday, 9 June 2023, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.


  1. api ➞ Element ➞ animate ➞ options_id_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ HTMLCanvasElement ➞ getContext ➞ 2d_context ➞ options_desynchronized_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ HTMLCanvasElement ➞ getContext ➞ webgl2_context ➞ options_alpha_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ HTMLCanvasElement ➞ getContext ➞ webgl2_context ➞ options_failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ HTMLCanvasElement ➞ getContext ➞ webgl2_context ➞ options_powerPreference_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ HTMLInputElement ➞ dirName Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ HTMLTextAreaElement ➞ dirName Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ PannerNode
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ SharedWorker ➞ SharedWorker ➞ mime_checks
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ Worker ➞ Worker ➞ mime_checks
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ WorkerGlobalScope ➞ importScripts ➞ mime_checks
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ XRSystem
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort_static ➞ reason_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ timeout_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ AudioDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ AudioEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ canonicalUUID_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getCharacteristic_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getDescriptor_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getService_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ CSS ➞ Hz_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ CSS ➞ Q_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ CSS ➞ ch_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ CSS ➞ cm_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqb_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  27. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqh_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  28. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  29. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmax_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  30. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmin_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  31. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqw_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  32. api ➞ CSS ➞ deg_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  33. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpcm_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  34. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  35. api ➞ CSS ➞ dppx_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  36. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvb_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  37. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvh_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  38. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  39. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmax_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  40. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmin_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  41. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvw_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  42. api ➞ CSS ➞ em_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  43. api ➞ CSS ➞ escape_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  44. api ➞ CSS ➞ ex_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  45. api ➞ CSS ➞ fr_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  46. api ➞ CSS ➞ grad_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  47. api ➞ CSS ➞ highlights_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  48. api ➞ CSS ➞ in_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  49. api ➞ CSS ➞ kHz_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  50. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvb_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  51. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvh_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  52. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  53. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmax_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  54. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmin_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  55. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvw_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  56. api ➞ CSS ➞ mm_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  57. api ➞ CSS ➞ ms_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  58. api ➞ CSS ➞ number_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  59. api ➞ CSS ➞ paintWorklet_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  60. api ➞ CSS ➞ pc_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  61. api ➞ CSS ➞ percent_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  62. api ➞ CSS ➞ pt_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  63. api ➞ CSS ➞ px_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  64. api ➞ CSS ➞ rad_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  65. api ➞ CSS ➞ registerProperty_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  66. api ➞ CSS ➞ rem_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  67. api ➞ CSS ➞ s_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  68. api ➞ CSS ➞ svb_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  69. api ➞ CSS ➞ svh_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  70. api ➞ CSS ➞ svi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  71. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmax_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  72. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmin_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  73. api ➞ CSS ➞ svw_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  74. api ➞ CSS ➞ turn_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  75. api ➞ CSS ➞ vb_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  76. api ➞ CSS ➞ vh_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  77. api ➞ CSS ➞ vi_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  78. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmax_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  79. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmin_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  80. api ➞ CSS ➞ vw_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  81. api ➞ CSSNumericValue ➞ parse_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  82. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parseAll_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  83. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parse_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  84. api ➞ Credential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  85. api ➞ CropTarget ➞ fromElement_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  86. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat32Array_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  87. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat64Array_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  88. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromMatrix_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  89. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat32Array_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  90. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat64Array_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  91. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromMatrix_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  92. api ➞ DOMPoint ➞ fromPoint_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  93. api ➞ DOMPointReadOnly ➞ fromPoint_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  94. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromQuad_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  95. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromRect_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  96. api ➞ DOMRect ➞ fromRect_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  97. api ➞ DOMRectReadOnly ➞ fromRect_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  98. api ➞ HTMLScriptElement ➞ supports_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  99. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ bound_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  100. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ lowerBound_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  101. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ only_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  102. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ upperBound_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  103. api ➞ IdleDetector ➞ requestPermission_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  104. api ➞ ImageDecoder ➞ isTypeSupported_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  105. api ➞ MediaRecorder ➞ isTypeSupported_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  106. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ canConstructInDedicatedWorker_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  107. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ isTypeSupported_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  108. api ➞ Notification ➞ maxActions_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  109. api ➞ Notification ➞ permission_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  110. api ➞ Notification ➞ requestPermission_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  111. api ➞ PerformanceObserver ➞ supportedEntryTypes_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  112. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  113. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  114. api ➞ PushManager ➞ supportedContentEncodings_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  115. api ➞ RTCPeerConnection ➞ generateCertificate_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  116. api ➞ RTCRtpReceiver ➞ getCapabilities_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  117. api ➞ RTCRtpSender ➞ getCapabilities_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  118. api ➞ Response ➞ error_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  119. api ➞ Response ➞ json_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  120. api ➞ Response ➞ redirect_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  121. api ➞ Sanitizer ➞ getDefaultConfiguration_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  122. api ➞ URL ➞ canParse_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  123. api ➞ URL ➞ createObjectURL_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  124. api ➞ URL ➞ revokeObjectURL_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  125. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  126. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  127. api ➞ XRWebGLLayer ➞ getNativeFramebufferScaleFactor_static
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ grid-template-columns ➞ masonry Spec link
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  2. css ➞ properties ➞ grid-template-rows ➞ masonry
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  3. css ➞ properties ➞ masonry-auto-flow
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  4. css ➞ types ➞ image ➞ gradient ➞ repeating-radial-gradient ➞ at
    Backfilled from  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. html ➞ elements ➞ input ➞ dirname
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. html ➞ elements ➞ textarea ➞ dirname
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. webextensions ➞ api ➞ storage ➞ session
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. http ➞ headers ➞ Access-Control-Allow-Headers ➞ authorization_not_covered_by_wildcard
    Backfilled from  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ RegExp ➞ unicodeSets
    Backfilled from  βžž  3 of 3 engines

New entries (137)

The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Friday, 9 June 2023, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (β€œRemoved BCD entries”) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.


  1. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort_static
  2. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort_static ➞ reason_parameter
  3. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ timeout_static
  4. api ➞ AudioDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static
  5. api ➞ AudioEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static
  6. api ➞ BarcodeDetector ➞ getSupportedFormats_static
  7. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ canonicalUUID_static
  8. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getCharacteristic_static
  9. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getDescriptor_static
  10. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getService_static
  11. api ➞ CSS ➞ Hz_static
  12. api ➞ CSS ➞ Q_static
  13. api ➞ CSS ➞ ch_static
  14. api ➞ CSS ➞ cm_static
  15. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqb_static
  16. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqh_static
  17. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqi_static
  18. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmax_static
  19. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmin_static
  20. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqw_static
  21. api ➞ CSS ➞ deg_static
  22. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpcm_static
  23. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpi_static
  24. api ➞ CSS ➞ dppx_static
  25. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvb_static
  26. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvh_static
  27. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvi_static
  28. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmax_static
  29. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmin_static
  30. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvw_static
  31. api ➞ CSS ➞ em_static
  32. api ➞ CSS ➞ escape_static
  33. api ➞ CSS ➞ ex_static
  34. api ➞ CSS ➞ fr_static
  35. api ➞ CSS ➞ grad_static
  36. api ➞ CSS ➞ highlights_static
  37. api ➞ CSS ➞ in_static
  38. api ➞ CSS ➞ kHz_static
  39. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvb_static
  40. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvh_static
  41. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvi_static
  42. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmax_static
  43. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmin_static
  44. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvw_static
  45. api ➞ CSS ➞ mm_static
  46. api ➞ CSS ➞ ms_static
  47. api ➞ CSS ➞ number_static
  48. api ➞ CSS ➞ paintWorklet_static
  49. api ➞ CSS ➞ pc_static
  50. api ➞ CSS ➞ percent_static
  51. api ➞ CSS ➞ pt_static
  52. api ➞ CSS ➞ px_static
  53. api ➞ CSS ➞ rad_static
  54. api ➞ CSS ➞ registerProperty_static
  55. api ➞ CSS ➞ rem_static
  56. api ➞ CSS ➞ s_static
  57. api ➞ CSS ➞ supports_static
  58. api ➞ CSS ➞ svb_static
  59. api ➞ CSS ➞ svh_static
  60. api ➞ CSS ➞ svi_static
  61. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmax_static
  62. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmin_static
  63. api ➞ CSS ➞ svw_static
  64. api ➞ CSS ➞ turn_static
  65. api ➞ CSS ➞ vb_static
  66. api ➞ CSS ➞ vh_static
  67. api ➞ CSS ➞ vi_static
  68. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmax_static
  69. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmin_static
  70. api ➞ CSS ➞ vw_static
  71. api ➞ CSSNumericValue ➞ parse_static
  72. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parseAll_static
  73. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parse_static
  74. api ➞ Credential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable_static
  75. api ➞ CropTarget ➞ fromElement_static
  76. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat32Array_static
  77. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat64Array_static
  78. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromMatrix_static
  79. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat32Array_static
  80. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat64Array_static
  81. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromMatrix_static
  82. api ➞ DOMPoint ➞ fromPoint_static
  83. api ➞ DOMPointReadOnly ➞ fromPoint_static
  84. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromQuad_static
  85. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromRect_static
  86. api ➞ DOMRect ➞ fromRect_static
  87. api ➞ DOMRectReadOnly ➞ fromRect_static
  88. api ➞ DeviceMotionEvent ➞ requestPermission_static
  89. api ➞ DeviceOrientationEvent ➞ requestPermission_static
  90. api ➞ GPU ➞ wgslLanguageFeatures
  91. api ➞ HTMLScriptElement ➞ supports_static
  92. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ bound_static
  93. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ lowerBound_static
  94. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ only_static
  95. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ upperBound_static
  96. api ➞ IdleDetector ➞ requestPermission_static
  97. api ➞ ImageDecoder ➞ isTypeSupported_static
  98. api ➞ MediaRecorder ➞ isTypeSupported_static
  99. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ canConstructInDedicatedWorker_static
  100. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ isTypeSupported_static
  101. api ➞ Notification ➞ maxActions_static
  102. api ➞ Notification ➞ permission_static
  103. api ➞ Notification ➞ requestPermission_static
  104. api ➞ PerformanceObserver ➞ supportedEntryTypes_static
  105. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable_static
  106. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable_static
  107. api ➞ PushManager ➞ supportedContentEncodings_static
  108. api ➞ RTCPeerConnection ➞ generateCertificate_static
  109. api ➞ RTCRtpReceiver ➞ getCapabilities_static
  110. api ➞ RTCRtpSender ➞ getCapabilities_static
  111. api ➞ Response ➞ error_static
  112. api ➞ Response ➞ json_static
  113. api ➞ Response ➞ redirect_static
  114. api ➞ Sanitizer ➞ getDefaultConfiguration_static
  115. api ➞ URL ➞ canParse_static
  116. api ➞ URL ➞ createObjectURL_static
  117. api ➞ URL ➞ revokeObjectURL_static
  118. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static
  119. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static
  120. api ➞ VisibilityStateEntry
  121. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ @@iterator
  122. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures
  123. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ entries
  124. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ forEach
  125. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ has
  126. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ keys
  127. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ size
  128. api ➞ WGSLLanguageFeatures ➞ values
  129. api ➞ XRWebGLLayer ➞ getNativeFramebufferScaleFactor_static


  1. http ➞ headers ➞ Access-Control-Allow-Headers ➞ authorization_not_covered_by_wildcard


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ DurationFormat
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ format
  4. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ formatToParts
  5. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ resolvedOptions
  6. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ DurationFormat ➞ supportedLocalesOf
  7. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ RegExp ➞ unicodeSets

Removed entries (117)

The entries in this section were found in BCD on Friday, 9 June 2023, but are no longer present. The reasons for this removal can be anything from an experimental proposal that was never supported to a property or value being renamed to something else.


  1. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort
  2. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ abort ➞ reason_parameter
  3. api ➞ AbortSignal ➞ timeout
  4. api ➞ AudioDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported
  5. api ➞ AudioEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported
  6. api ➞ BarcodeDetector ➞ getSupportedFormats
  7. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ canonicalUUID
  8. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getCharacteristic
  9. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getDescriptor
  10. api ➞ BluetoothUUID ➞ getService
  11. api ➞ CSS ➞ Hz
  12. api ➞ CSS ➞ Q
  13. api ➞ CSS ➞ ch
  14. api ➞ CSS ➞ cm
  15. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqb
  16. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqh
  17. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqi
  18. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmax
  19. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqmin
  20. api ➞ CSS ➞ cqw
  21. api ➞ CSS ➞ deg
  22. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpcm
  23. api ➞ CSS ➞ dpi
  24. api ➞ CSS ➞ dppx
  25. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvb
  26. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvh
  27. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvi
  28. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmax
  29. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvmin
  30. api ➞ CSS ➞ dvw
  31. api ➞ CSS ➞ em
  32. api ➞ CSS ➞ escape
  33. api ➞ CSS ➞ ex
  34. api ➞ CSS ➞ fr
  35. api ➞ CSS ➞ grad
  36. api ➞ CSS ➞ highlights
  37. api ➞ CSS ➞ in
  38. api ➞ CSS ➞ kHz
  39. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvb
  40. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvh
  41. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvi
  42. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmax
  43. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvmin
  44. api ➞ CSS ➞ lvw
  45. api ➞ CSS ➞ mm
  46. api ➞ CSS ➞ ms
  47. api ➞ CSS ➞ number
  48. api ➞ CSS ➞ paintWorklet
  49. api ➞ CSS ➞ pc
  50. api ➞ CSS ➞ percent
  51. api ➞ CSS ➞ pt
  52. api ➞ CSS ➞ px
  53. api ➞ CSS ➞ rad
  54. api ➞ CSS ➞ registerProperty
  55. api ➞ CSS ➞ rem
  56. api ➞ CSS ➞ s
  57. api ➞ CSS ➞ supports
  58. api ➞ CSS ➞ svb
  59. api ➞ CSS ➞ svh
  60. api ➞ CSS ➞ svi
  61. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmax
  62. api ➞ CSS ➞ svmin
  63. api ➞ CSS ➞ svw
  64. api ➞ CSS ➞ turn
  65. api ➞ CSS ➞ vb
  66. api ➞ CSS ➞ vh
  67. api ➞ CSS ➞ vi
  68. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmax
  69. api ➞ CSS ➞ vmin
  70. api ➞ CSS ➞ vw
  71. api ➞ CSSNumericValue ➞ parse
  72. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parse
  73. api ➞ CSSStyleValue ➞ parseAll
  74. api ➞ Credential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable
  75. api ➞ CropTarget ➞ fromElement
  76. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat32Array
  77. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromFloat64Array
  78. api ➞ DOMMatrix ➞ fromMatrix
  79. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat32Array
  80. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromFloat64Array
  81. api ➞ DOMMatrixReadOnly ➞ fromMatrix
  82. api ➞ DOMPoint ➞ fromPoint
  83. api ➞ DOMPointReadOnly ➞ fromPoint
  84. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromQuad
  85. api ➞ DOMQuad ➞ fromRect
  86. api ➞ DOMRect ➞ fromRect
  87. api ➞ DOMRectReadOnly ➞ fromRect
  88. api ➞ DeviceMotionEvent ➞ requestPermission
  89. api ➞ DeviceOrientationEvent ➞ requestPermission
  90. api ➞ HTMLScriptElement ➞ supports
  91. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ bound
  92. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ lowerBound
  93. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ only
  94. api ➞ IDBKeyRange ➞ upperBound
  95. api ➞ IdleDetector ➞ requestPermission
  96. api ➞ ImageDecoder ➞ isTypeSupported
  97. api ➞ MediaRecorder ➞ isTypeSupported
  98. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ canConstructInDedicatedWorker
  99. api ➞ MediaSource ➞ isTypeSupported
  100. api ➞ Notification ➞ maxActions
  101. api ➞ Notification ➞ permission
  102. api ➞ Notification ➞ requestPermission
  103. api ➞ PerformanceObserver ➞ supportedEntryTypes
  104. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isConditionalMediationAvailable
  105. api ➞ PublicKeyCredential ➞ isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable
  106. api ➞ PushManager ➞ supportedContentEncodings
  107. api ➞ RTCPeerConnection ➞ generateCertificate
  108. api ➞ RTCRtpReceiver ➞ getCapabilities
  109. api ➞ RTCRtpSender ➞ getCapabilities
  110. api ➞ Response ➞ error
  111. api ➞ Response ➞ redirect
  112. api ➞ Sanitizer ➞ getDefaultConfiguration
  113. api ➞ URL ➞ createObjectURL
  114. api ➞ URL ➞ revokeObjectURL
  115. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported
  116. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported
  117. api ➞ XRWebGLLayer ➞ getNativeFramebufferScaleFactor