Summary of BCD changes from through π
Browser Support Changes: +0, -0
BCD Metadata Changes: 151
Show all 151 changes
Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occurring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.
Backfilled entries (119)
The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Tuesday 27 September 2022, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.
api β HTMLCanvasElement β transferControlToOffscreen
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β OffscreenCanvas
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β contextlost_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β contextrestored_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β convertToBlob
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β getContext β 2d_context
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β getContext
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β getContext β bitmaprenderer_context
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β getContext β webgl2_context
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β getContext β webgl_context
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β height
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β transferToImageBitmap
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvas β width
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β arc
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β arcTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β beginPath
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β bezierCurveTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β canvas
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β clearRect
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β clip
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β closePath
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β createImageData
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β createLinearGradient
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β createPattern
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β createRadialGradient
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β direction
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β drawImage
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β ellipse
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β fill
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β fillRect
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β fillStyle
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β fillText
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β filter
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β font
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β getImageData
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β getLineDash
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β getTransform
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β globalAlpha
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β globalCompositeOperation
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β imageSmoothingEnabled
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β imageSmoothingQuality
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β isPointInPath
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β isPointInStroke
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β lineCap
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β lineDashOffset
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β lineJoin
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β lineTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β lineWidth
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β measureText
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β miterLimit
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β moveTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β putImageData
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β quadraticCurveTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β rect
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β resetTransform
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β restore
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β rotate
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β save
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β scale
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β setLineDash
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β setTransform
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β shadowBlur
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β shadowColor
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β shadowOffsetX
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β shadowOffsetY
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β stroke
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β strokeRect
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β strokeStyle
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β strokeText
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β textAlign
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β textBaseline
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β transform
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β translate
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLActiveInfo β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLBuffer β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLContextEvent β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLFramebuffer β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLProgram β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLRenderbuffer β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLRenderingContext β canvas β OffscreenCanvas
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLRenderingContext β commit
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLRenderingContext β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLShader β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLTexture β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β WebGLUniformLocation β worker_support
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β Navigator β userActivation
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β commit
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β UserActivation
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β UserActivation β hasBeenActive
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β UserActivation β isActive
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines
mathml β elements β ms
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β actuarial
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β bottom
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β box
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β circle
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β downdiagonalstrike
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β horizontalstrike
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β left
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β longdiv
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β right
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β roundedbox
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β top
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β updiagonalstrike
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β menclose β notation β verticalstrike
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β mfrac β linethickness β thin_medium_thick
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β ms β lquote_rquote_attributes
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
mathml β elements β semantics β advanced_visible_child_selection
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
mathml β global_attributes β mathsize β small_normal_big
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines
webextensions β manifest β web_accessible_resources β extension_ids
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines
css β properties β contain-intrinsic-block-size
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain-intrinsic-height
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain-intrinsic-inline-size
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain-intrinsic-width
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β types β color β named-color
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β types β color β named-color β rebeccapurple
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β types β color β system-color
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines
New entries (29)
The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Tuesday 27 September 2022, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (βRemoved BCD entriesβ) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.
- api β Navigator β userActivation
- api β OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D β commit
- api β UserActivation
- api β UserActivation β hasBeenActive
- api β UserActivation β isActive
- css β properties β contain-intrinsic-block-size
- css β properties β contain-intrinsic-height
- css β properties β contain-intrinsic-inline-size
- css β properties β contain-intrinsic-width
- css β types β color β named-color
- css β types β color β named-color β rebeccapurple
- css β types β color β system-color
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β actuarial
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β bottom
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β box
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β circle
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β downdiagonalstrike
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β horizontalstrike
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β left
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β longdiv
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β right
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β roundedbox
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β top
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β updiagonalstrike
- mathml β elements β menclose β notation β verticalstrike
- mathml β elements β mfrac β linethickness β thin_medium_thick
- mathml β elements β ms β lquote_rquote_attributes
- mathml β elements β semantics β advanced_visible_child_selection
- mathml β global_attributes β mathsize β small_normal_big
Removed entries (3)
The entries in this section were found in BCD on Tuesday 27 September 2022, but are no longer present. The reasons for this removal can be anything from an experimental proposal that was never supported to a property or value being renamed to something else.
- css β types β color β color_keywords
- css β types β color β color_keywords β rebeccapurple
- http β headers β Content-Security-Policy β navigate-to