BCD Watch

BCD Changes Report

Summary of BCD changes from through πŸ”—

Browser Support Changes: +1, -0

Support increases (1)


  1. css ➞ at-rules ➞ counter-style ➞ suffix
    Added to Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines

BCD Metadata Changes: 127

Show all 127 changes

Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occurring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.

Backfilled entries (126)

The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Friday 22 September 2023, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.


  1. api ➞ Element ➞ animate ➞ options_pseudoElement_parameter Spec link
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ HTMLMediaElement ➞ preservesPitch
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ MIDIAccess
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ MIDIAccess ➞ inputs
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ MIDIAccess ➞ outputs
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ MIDIAccess ➞ statechange_event
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ MIDIAccess ➞ sysexEnabled
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ MIDIConnectionEvent ➞ MIDIConnectionEvent
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ MIDIConnectionEvent
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ MIDIConnectionEvent ➞ port
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ MIDIInput
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ MIDIInput ➞ midimessage_event
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ MIDIInputMap
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ entries
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ forEach
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ get
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ has
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ keys
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ size
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ MIDIInputMap ➞ values
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ MIDIMessageEvent ➞ MIDIMessageEvent
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ MIDIMessageEvent
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ MIDIMessageEvent ➞ data
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ MIDIOutput
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ MIDIOutput ➞ clear
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ MIDIOutput ➞ send
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  27. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  28. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ entries
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  29. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ forEach
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  30. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ get
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  31. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ has
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  32. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ keys
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  33. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ size
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  34. api ➞ MIDIOutputMap ➞ values
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  35. api ➞ MIDIPort
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  36. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ close
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  37. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ connection
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  38. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ id
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  39. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ manufacturer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  40. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ name
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  41. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ open
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  42. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ state
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  43. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ statechange_event
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  44. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ type
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  45. api ➞ MIDIPort ➞ version
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  46. api ➞ MathMLElement
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  47. api ➞ MathMLElement ➞ blur
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  48. api ➞ MathMLElement ➞ dataset
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  49. api ➞ MathMLElement ➞ focus
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  50. api ➞ MathMLElement ➞ style Spec link
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  51. api ➞ MathMLElement ➞ tabIndex
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  52. api ➞ Navigator ➞ requestMIDIAccess
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  53. api ➞ Sanitizer ➞ Sanitizer
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  54. api ➞ Sanitizer
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  55. api ➞ WorkerNavigator ➞ globalPrivacyControl
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ animation-composition
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. css ➞ properties ➞ animation-timeline
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  3. css ➞ properties ➞ animation-timeline ➞ scroll
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  4. css ➞ properties ➞ display ➞ math
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  5. css ➞ properties ➞ font-family ➞ math
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  6. css ➞ properties ➞ font-size ➞ math
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  7. css ➞ properties ➞ math-depth
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  8. css ➞ properties ➞ math-shift
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  9. css ➞ properties ➞ math-style
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. css ➞ properties ➞ scroll-timeline-axis
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  11. css ➞ properties ➞ scroll-timeline-name
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  12. css ➞ properties ➞ text-transform ➞ math-auto Spec link
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  13. css ➞ properties ➞ view-timeline
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  14. css ➞ properties ➞ view-timeline-axis
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  15. css ➞ types ➞ color ➞ color-mix
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. css ➞ types ➞ easing-function ➞ linear-function
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. mathml ➞ elements ➞ maction
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. mathml ➞ elements ➞ math ➞ display
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. mathml ➞ elements ➞ merror
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mfrac
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mfrac ➞ linethickness
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mmultiscripts
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mn
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ form
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ largeop
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ lspace
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ maxsize
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ minsize
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ moveablelimits
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ rspace
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ stretchy
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo ➞ symmetric
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mover
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  19. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mover ➞ accent
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  20. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  21. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded ➞ depth
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  22. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded ➞ height
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  23. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded ➞ lspace
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  24. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded ➞ voffset
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  25. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded ➞ width
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  26. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mphantom
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  27. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mroot
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  28. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mrow
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  29. mathml ➞ elements ➞ ms
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  30. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mspace
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  31. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mspace ➞ depth
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  32. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mspace ➞ height
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  33. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mspace ➞ width
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  34. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msqrt
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  35. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mstyle
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  36. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msub
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  37. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msubsup
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  38. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msup
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  39. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtable
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  40. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtd
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  41. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtext
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  42. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtr
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  43. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munder
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  44. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munder ➞ accentunder
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  45. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munderover
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  46. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munderover ➞ accent
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  47. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munderover ➞ accentunder
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  48. mathml ➞ elements ➞ semantics
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  49. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ dir
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  50. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ displaystyle
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  51. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ mathbackground
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  52. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ mathcolor
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  53. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ mathsize
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  54. mathml ➞ global_attributes ➞ scriptlevel
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. svg ➞ attributes ➞ conditional_processing ➞ requiredExtensions ➞ mathml
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines

New entries (1)

The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Friday 22 September 2023, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (β€œRemoved BCD entries”) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.


  1. api ➞ WorkerNavigator ➞ globalPrivacyControl

Removed entries (0)

No features were removed from bcd in this time period