BCD Watch

BCD Universal Implmentations Report

Summary of changes indicating universal implementations from through .🔗

34 new Baseline implementations


  1. api âžž CSSContainerRule âžž containerName
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api âžž CSSContainerRule âžž containerQuery
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž additiveSymbols
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž fallback
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž name
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž negative
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž pad
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž prefix
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž range
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž speakAs
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž suffix
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž symbols
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api âžž CSSCounterStyleRule âžž system
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. api âžž CanvasRenderingContext2D âžž drawImage âžž SVGImageElement_source_image
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. api âžž Headers âžž getSetCookie
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. api âžž Selection âžž removeRange
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. api âžž StorageManager âžž estimate
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž additive-symbols
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž fallback
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž negative
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž pad
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž prefix
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž range
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž symbols
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. css âžž at-rules âžž counter-style âžž system
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. css âžž properties âžž contain-intrinsic-block-size
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. css âžž properties âžž contain-intrinsic-height
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. css âžž properties âžž contain-intrinsic-inline-size
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. css âžž properties âžž contain-intrinsic-size
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. css âžž properties âžž contain-intrinsic-width
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. css âžž properties âžž grid-template-columns âžž subgrid
    Added to Chrome  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. css âžž properties âžž grid-template-rows âžž subgrid
    Added to Chrome  âžž  3 of 3 engines