Summary of changes indicating universal implementations from through .🔗
21 new universal implementations
api âžž Element âžž ariaActiveDescendantElement
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaControlsElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaDescribedByElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaDetailsElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaErrorMessageElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaFlowToElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž Element âžž ariaLabelledByElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaActiveDescendantElement
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaControlsElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaDescribedByElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaDetailsElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaErrorMessageElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaFlowToElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
api âžž ElementInternals âžž ariaLabelledByElements
Added to Firefox,Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines
css âžž types âžž abs
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
css âžž types âžž sign
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines
javascript âžž builtins âžž DataView âžž getFloat16
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
javascript âžž builtins âžž DataView âžž setFloat16
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
javascript âžž builtins âžž Float16Array âžž Float16Array
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
javascript âžž builtins âžž Float16Array
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines -
javascript âžž builtins âžž Math âžž f16round
Added to Chrome âžž 3 of 3 engines