Summary of BCD changes from through π
Browser Support Changes: +17, -0
Support increases (17)
webextensions β api β action β openPopup
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β browserAction β openPopup
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β eval β $0
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β eval
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β eval β inspect
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β eval β options
Added to Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β reload
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β inspectedWindow β tabId
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β network β onNavigated
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β ExtensionPanel β onHidden
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β ExtensionPanel β onShown
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β create
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β elements
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β onThemeChanged
Added to Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β devtools β panels β themeName
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β pageAction β openPopup
Added to Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β devtools_page
Added to Safari β 3 of 3 engines
BCD Metadata Changes: 299
Show all 299 changes
Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occurring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.
Backfilled entries (265)
The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Tuesday 16 August 2022, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.
api β CSSStyleSheet β CSSStyleSheet
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β CSSStyleSheet β replace
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β CSSStyleSheet β replaceSync
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β createConicGradient
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Clipboard β read
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β Document β adoptedStyleSheets
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β Document β getAnimations
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
api β Element β animate β options_composite_parameter
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β Element β animate β options_iterationComposite_parameter
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
api β Element β part
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β form
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β labels
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β setFormValue
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β willValidate
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β cancel_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β close
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β open
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β returnValue
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β show
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLDialogElement β showModal
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLElement β beforeinput_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLElement β enterKeyHint
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLElement β inert
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLElement β inputMode
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLIFrameElement β featurePolicy
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β InputEvent β getTargetRanges
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β KeyframeEffect β pseudoElement
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Lock
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Lock β mode
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Lock β name
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β LockManager
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β LockManager β query
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β LockManager β request
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaCapabilities β encodingInfo
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata β MediaMetadata
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata β album
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata β artist
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata β artwork
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaMetadata β title
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaSession
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaSession β metadata
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaSession β playbackState
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaSession β setActionHandler
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β MediaSession β setPositionState
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β NavigationPreloadManager
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β NavigationPreloadManager β disable
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β NavigationPreloadManager β enable
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β NavigationPreloadManager β getState
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β NavigationPreloadManager β setHeaderValue
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Navigator β locks
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Navigator β mediaSession
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β OES_fbo_render_mipmap
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController β byobRequest
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController β close
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController β desiredSize
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController β enqueue
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableByteStreamController β error
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStream β pipeThrough
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStream β pipeTo
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStream β transferable
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader β ReadableStreamBYOBReader
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader β cancel
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader β closed
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader β read
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBReader β releaseLock
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBRequest β respond
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBRequest β respondWithNewView
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ReadableStreamBYOBRequest β view
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ShadowRoot β adoptedStyleSheets
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β ShadowRoot β getAnimations
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TextMetrics β fontBoundingBoxAscent
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TextMetrics β fontBoundingBoxDescent
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStream β TransformStream
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStream
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStream β readable
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStream β transferable
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStream β writable
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStreamDefaultController
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStreamDefaultController β desiredSize
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStreamDefaultController β enqueue
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStreamDefaultController β error
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β TransformStreamDefaultController β terminate
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β URLPattern
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β exec
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β hash
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β hostname
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β password
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β pathname
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β port
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β protocol
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β search
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β test
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β URLPattern β username
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β height
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β offsetLeft
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β offsetTop
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β pageLeft
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β pageTop
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β resize_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β scale
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β scroll_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β VisualViewport β width
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Window β unhandledrejection_event
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β Window β visualViewport
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β WritableStream
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β abort
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β close
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β getWriter
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β locked
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStream β transferable
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultController
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultController β error
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultController β signal
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β WritableStreamDefaultWriter
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β abort
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β close
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β closed
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β desiredSize
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β ready
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β releaseLock
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β WritableStreamDefaultWriter β write
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β AudioParamMap β @@iterator
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSImportRule β layerName
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSLayerBlockRule
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSLayerBlockRule β name
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSLayerStatementRule
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSLayerStatementRule β nameList
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
api β CSSMathClamp β CSSMathClamp
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CSSMathClamp
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CSSMathClamp β lower
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CSSMathClamp β upper
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CSSMathClamp β value
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasFilter β CanvasFilter
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasFilter
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontKerning
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontStretch
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontVariantCaps
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β isContextLost
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β letterSpacing
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β reset
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β roundRect
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β textRendering
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β wordSpacing
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β Element β beforexrselect_event
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β ariaInvalid
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β ElementInternals β role
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
api β EventCounts β @@iterator
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLCanvasElement β getContext β 2d_context β options_colorSpace_parameter
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
api β HTMLCanvasElement β getContext β 2d_context β options_willReadFrequently_parameter
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines
css β at-rules β font-face β size-adjust
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β at-rules β layer
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β at-rules β media β forced-colors
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β at-rules β media β prefers-contrast
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β accent-color
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β aspect-ratio
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β backdrop-filter
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-block
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-block-color
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-block-style
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-block-width
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-inline
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-inline-color
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-inline-style
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β border-inline-width
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β font-size-adjust β two-values
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β forced-color-adjust
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β grid-template-columns β subgrid
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β grid-template-rows β subgrid
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β hyphenate-character
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-block
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-block-end
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-block-start
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-inline
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-inline-end
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β inset-inline-start
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β margin-block
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β margin-block-end
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β margin-block-start
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β margin-inline
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β offset
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β offset-anchor
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β offset-distance
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β offset-rotate
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β padding-block
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β padding-block-end
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β padding-block-start
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β padding-inline
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β scroll-behavior
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β scrollbar-gutter
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β text-decoration-thickness
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β text-underline-offset
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β focus-visible
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β link β not_match_link
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β marker
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β marker β animation_and_transition_support
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β part
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β visited β not_match_link
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
css β selectors β where
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β types β cos
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β types β image β gradient β conic-gradient
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β types β image β gradient β repeating-conic-gradient
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β types β sin
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β types β tan
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β animation-composition
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
css β properties β break-after β paged_context β avoid-page
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain β inline-size
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
css β properties β contain β style
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines
html β elements β dialog
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
html β elements β dialog β open
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
html β elements β img β aspect_ratio_computed_from_attributes
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines -
html β elements β video β aspect_ratio_computed_from_attributes
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
html β global_attributes β enterkeyhint
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
html β global_attributes β part
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines
http β headers β Content-Security-Policy β trusted-types
Backfilled for Chrome β 1 of 3 engines -
http β headers β Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
http β headers β Set-Cookie β SameSite β schemeful
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines
javascript β builtins β Array β findLast
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Array β findLastIndex
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β calendars
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β hourCycles
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β numberingSystems
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β textInfo
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β timeZones
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β Locale β weekInfo
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β Intl β supportedValuesOf
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β TypedArray β findLast
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β TypedArray β findLastIndex
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception β Exception
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception β Exception β options_parameter_traceStack
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception β getArg
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception β is
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Exception β stack
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Tag β Tag
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Tag
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β builtins β WebAssembly β Tag β type
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β operators β import
Backfilled for Firefox β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β operators β optional_chaining
Backfilled for Chrome β 3 of 3 engines -
javascript β statements β import β worker_support
Backfilled for Chrome β 2 of 3 engines
svg β elements β path β d β path
Backfilled for Firefox β 2 of 3 engines
webextensions β api β userScripts β RegisteredUserScript
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β userScripts β RegisteredUserScript β unregister
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β userScripts β onBeforeScript
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
webextensions β api β userScripts β register
Backfilled for Firefox β 1 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β action
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β action β default_icon
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β action β default_popup
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β action β default_title
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β content_security_policy β extension_pages
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β manifest_version β v3
Backfilled for Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β optional_permissions β nativeMessaging
Backfilled for Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β storage
Backfilled for Safari β 2 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β web_accessible_resources β matches
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions β manifest β web_accessible_resources β resources
Backfilled for Safari β 3 of 3 engines
New entries (32)
The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Tuesday 16 August 2022, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (βRemoved BCD entriesβ) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.
- api β AudioParamMap β @@iterator
- api β CSSImportRule β layerName
- api β CSSLayerBlockRule
- api β CSSLayerBlockRule β name
- api β CSSLayerStatementRule
- api β CSSLayerStatementRule β nameList
- api β CSSMathClamp β CSSMathClamp
- api β CSSMathClamp
- api β CSSMathClamp β lower
- api β CSSMathClamp β upper
- api β CSSMathClamp β value
- api β CanvasFilter β CanvasFilter
- api β CanvasFilter
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontKerning
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontStretch
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β fontVariantCaps
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β isContextLost
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β letterSpacing
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β reset
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β roundRect
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β textRendering
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β wordSpacing
- api β Element β beforexrselect_event
- api β ElementInternals β ariaInvalid
- api β ElementInternals β role
- api β EventCounts β @@iterator
- api β HTMLCanvasElement β getContext β 2d_context β options_colorSpace_parameter
- api β HTMLCanvasElement β getContext β 2d_context β options_willReadFrequently_parameter
- css β properties β animation-composition
- css β properties β break-after β paged_context β avoid-page
- css β properties β contain β inline-size
- css β properties β contain β style
Removed entries (2)
The entries in this section were found in BCD on Tuesday 16 August 2022, but are no longer present. The reasons for this removal can be anything from an experimental proposal that was never supported to a property or value being renamed to something else.
- api β CanvasRenderingContext2D β drawWidgetAsOnScreen
- api β PresentationRequest β startWithDevice