Summary of changes indicating universal implementations from through .🔗
14 new Baseline implementations
webextensions âžž api âžž action âžž openPopup
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž browserAction âžž openPopup
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž inspectedWindow âžž eval âžž $0
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž inspectedWindow âžž eval
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž inspectedWindow âžž eval âžž inspect
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž inspectedWindow âžž reload
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž inspectedWindow âžž tabId
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž network âžž onNavigated
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž panels âžž ExtensionPanel âžž onHidden
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž panels âžž ExtensionPanel âžž onShown
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž panels âžž create
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž panels âžž elements
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž api âžž devtools âžž panels âžž themeName
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines -
webextensions âžž manifest âžž devtools_page
Added to Safari âžž 3 of 3 engines