BCD Watch

BCD Changes Report

Summary of BCD changes from through πŸ”—

Browser Support Changes: +30, -0

Support increases (30)


  1. api ➞ CSSKeyframesRule ➞ length Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ Document ➞ parseHTMLUnsafe_static Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ Element ➞ attachShadow ➞ init_clonable_parameter Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ Element ➞ setHTMLUnsafe Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ ReadableStream ➞ @@asyncIterator
    Added to Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ ReadableStream ➞ values Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ ShadowRoot ➞ clonable
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ ShadowRoot ➞ setHTMLUnsafe Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ adAuctionHeaders Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ sharedStorageWritable Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ HTMLImageElement ➞ sharedStorageWritable Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails ➞ reason
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails ➞ toJSON
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ children
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ id
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ name
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ reasons
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ src
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ toJSON
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ url
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ PerformanceNavigationTiming ➞ notRestoredReasons
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ RTCIceCandidate ➞ relayProtocol
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ RTCIceCandidate ➞ url
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ Request ➞ targetAddressSpace Spec link
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ align-content ➞ block_context Spec link
    Added to Firefox,Chrome,Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. html ➞ manifest ➞ categories
    Added to Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  2. html ➞ elements ➞ script ➞ type ➞ speculationrules ➞ source_optional
    Added to Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. webextensions ➞ api ➞ scripting ➞ executeScript ➞ InjectionResult ➞ error
    Added to Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines

BCD Metadata Changes: 90

Show all 90 changes

Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occurring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.

Backfilled entries (63)

The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Friday 15 March 2024, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.


  1. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ EncodedVideoChunk
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ byteLength
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ copyTo
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ duration
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ timestamp
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ EncodedVideoChunk ➞ type
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ HTMLElement ➞ togglePopover ➞ returns_boolean
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_notifications
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_push
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ VideoColorSpace
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ VideoColorSpace
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ fullRange
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ matrix
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ primaries
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ toJSON
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ VideoColorSpace ➞ transfer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ VideoDecoder
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ VideoDecoder
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ close
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ configure
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ decode
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ decodeQueueSize
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ dequeue_event Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ flush
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  27. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ reset
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  28. api ➞ VideoDecoder ➞ state
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  29. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ VideoEncoder
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  30. api ➞ VideoEncoder
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  31. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ close
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  32. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ configure
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  33. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ dequeue_event Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  34. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ encode
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  35. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ encodeQueueSize
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  36. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ flush Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  37. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ isConfigSupported_static Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  38. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ reset
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  39. api ➞ VideoEncoder ➞ state
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  40. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ VideoFrame
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  41. api ➞ VideoFrame
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  42. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ allocationSize
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  43. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ clone
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  44. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ close
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  45. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ codedHeight
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  46. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ codedRect
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  47. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ codedWidth
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  48. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ colorSpace
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  49. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ copyTo Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  50. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ displayHeight
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  51. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ displayWidth
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  52. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ duration
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  53. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ format
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  54. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ timestamp
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  55. api ➞ VideoFrame ➞ visibleRect
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  56. api ➞ HTMLTemplateElement ➞ shadowRootDelegatesFocus Spec link
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  57. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_bluetooth
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. html ➞ elements ➞ link ➞ rel ➞ preload
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. http ➞ headers ➞ Permissions-Policy ➞ bluetooth
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ locales_parameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_localeMatcher_parameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_numberingSystem_parameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_numeric_parameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines

New entries (27)

The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Friday 15 March 2024, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (β€œRemoved BCD entries”) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.


  1. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ adAuctionHeaders
  2. api ➞ HTMLIFrameElement ➞ sharedStorageWritable
  3. api ➞ HTMLImageElement ➞ sharedStorageWritable
  4. api ➞ HTMLTemplateElement ➞ shadowRootDelegatesFocus
  5. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails
  6. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails ➞ reason
  7. api ➞ NotRestoredReasonDetails ➞ toJSON
  8. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons
  9. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ children
  10. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ id
  11. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ name
  12. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ reasons
  13. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ src
  14. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ toJSON
  15. api ➞ NotRestoredReasons ➞ url
  16. api ➞ PerformanceNavigationTiming ➞ notRestoredReasons
  17. api ➞ Permissions ➞ permission_bluetooth
  18. api ➞ RTCIceCandidate ➞ relayProtocol
  19. api ➞ RTCIceCandidate ➞ url
  20. api ➞ Request ➞ targetAddressSpace


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ align-content ➞ block_context


  1. html ➞ elements ➞ script ➞ type ➞ speculationrules ➞ source_optional


  1. http ➞ headers ➞ Permissions-Policy ➞ bluetooth


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ locales_parameter
  2. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_localeMatcher_parameter
  3. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_numberingSystem_parameter
  4. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Intl ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ RelativeTimeFormat ➞ options_parameter ➞ options_numeric_parameter

Removed entries (0)

No features were removed from bcd in this time period