BCD Watch

BCD Universal Implementations Report

Summary of BCD changes from through 🔗

27 new universal implementations


  1. api âžž ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent âžž ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. api âžž ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. api âžž ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent âžž skipped
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api âžž Element âžž getHTML Spec link
    Added to Firefox,Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. api âžž HTMLCanvasElement âžž getContext âžž 2d_context âžž options_willReadFrequently_parameter Spec link
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. api âžž HTMLTemplateElement âžž shadowRootClonable
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api âžž HTMLTemplateElement âžž shadowRootDelegatesFocus
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. api âžž HTMLTemplateElement âžž shadowRootSerializable
    Added to Firefox,Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api âžž RTCRtpReceiver âžž getParameters
    Added to Firefox  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. api âžž RTCRtpReceiver âžž getParameters âžž return_object_property_codecs
    Added to Firefox  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api âžž RTCRtpTransceiver âžž setCodecPreferences
    Added to Firefox  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api âžž ShadowRoot âžž getHTML Spec link
    Added to Firefox  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api âžž ShadowRoot âžž serializable Spec link
    Added to Firefox,Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api âžž URL âžž parse_static
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. css âžž properties âžž align-content âžž flex_context âžž safe_unsafe
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. css âžž properties âžž align-items âžž flex_context âžž safe_unsafe
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. css âžž properties âžž align-self âžž flex_context âžž safe_unsafe
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. css âžž properties âžž content-visibility âžž auto Spec link
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. css âžž properties âžž content-visibility âžž hidden Spec link
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. css âžž properties âžž content-visibility âžž visible Spec link
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. css âžž properties âžž font-size-adjust âžž from-font Spec link
    Added to Chrome  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. css âžž properties âžž font-size-adjust âžž none Spec link
    Added to Chrome  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. css âžž properties âžž font-size-adjust âžž two-values
    Added to Chrome  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. css âžž properties âžž justify-content âžž flex_context âžž safe_unsafe
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. css âžž properties âžž offset-path âžž basic_shape
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. css âžž properties âžž offset-path âžž coord_box
    Added to Safari  âžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. css âžž types âžž calc âžž color_component
    Added to Firefox  âžž  3 of 3 engines