BCD Watch

BCD Changes Report

Summary of BCD changes from through πŸ”—

Browser Support Changes: +6, -0

Support increases (6)


  1. api ➞ SVGStyleElement ➞ disabled
    Added to Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ selectors ➞ modal
    Added to Firefox,Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. mathml ➞ elements ➞ maction
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtable
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtd
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtr
    Added to Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines

BCD Metadata Changes: 382

Show all 382 changes

Note: The following represent changes to BCD metadata keys in the reported time period. Keys are not implementations, and they don't represent commitments toward implementation, etc. A new key occurring is perhaps a signal that some implementer was serious enough to add the key. Many of the features that are 'removed' are usually just 'moved' or 'renamed', but we don't have great ways to highlight that.

Backfilled entries (182)

The entries in this section saw support information change since the report on Tuesday 26 July 2022, but all the supported browser versions given were more than a couple of months old. Typically, these are cases of support information being updated long after the support actually landed in a browser, but nobody ever updated the BCD entry.


  1. api ➞ Element ➞ ariaInvalid Spec link
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  2. api ➞ Element ➞ role Spec link
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  3. api ➞ FetchEvent ➞ respondWith
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. api ➞ Navigator ➞ buildID
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  5. api ➞ OES_fbo_render_mipmap
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  6. api ➞ Window ➞ postMessage
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. api ➞ FetchEvent ➞ respondWith ➞ networkerror_on_same-origin_cors
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  8. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ activeTexture
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ attachShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindAttribLocation
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindBuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindFramebuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  13. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindRenderbuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  14. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindTexture
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendColor
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendEquation
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendEquationSeparate
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFunc
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  19. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFuncSeparate ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  20. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFuncSeparate
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  21. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bufferData
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  22. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ canvas ➞ OffscreenCanvas
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  23. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ canvas
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  24. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ checkFramebufferStatus
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  25. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clear
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  26. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearColor
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  27. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearDepth
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  28. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearStencil
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  29. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ colorMask
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  30. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ commit
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  31. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compileShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  32. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexImage2D ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  33. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  34. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  35. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  36. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ copyTexImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  37. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ copyTexSubImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  38. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createBuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  39. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createFramebuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  40. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  41. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createRenderbuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  42. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  43. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createTexture
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  44. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ cullFace
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  45. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteBuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  46. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteFramebuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  47. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  48. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteRenderbuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  49. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  50. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteTexture
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  51. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthFunc
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  52. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthMask
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  53. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthRange
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  54. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ detachShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  55. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ disable
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  56. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ disableVertexAttribArray
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  57. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawArrays
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  58. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawElements
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  59. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawingBufferHeight
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  60. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawingBufferWidth
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  61. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ enable
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  62. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ enableVertexAttribArray
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  63. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ finish
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  64. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ flush
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  65. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ framebufferRenderbuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  66. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ framebufferTexture2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  67. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ frontFace
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  68. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ generateMipmap
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  69. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getActiveAttrib
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  70. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getActiveUniform
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  71. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getAttachedShaders
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  72. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getAttribLocation
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  73. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getBufferParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  74. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getContextAttributes
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  75. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getError
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  76. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getExtension
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  77. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getFramebufferAttachmentParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  78. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  79. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getProgramInfoLog
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  80. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getProgramParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  81. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getRenderbufferParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  82. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderInfoLog
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  83. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  84. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderPrecisionFormat
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  85. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderSource
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  86. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getSupportedExtensions
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  87. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getTexParameter
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  88. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getUniform
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  89. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getUniformLocation
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  90. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getVertexAttrib
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  91. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getVertexAttribOffset
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  92. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ hint
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  93. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isBuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  94. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isContextLost
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  95. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isEnabled
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  96. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isFramebuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  97. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  98. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isRenderbuffer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  99. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isShader
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  100. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isTexture
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  101. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ linkProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  102. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ makeXRCompatible
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  103. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ pixelStorei
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  104. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ polygonOffset
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  105. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ readPixels ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  106. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ readPixels
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  107. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ renderbufferStorage
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  108. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ sampleCoverage
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  109. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ scissor
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  110. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ shaderSource
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  111. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilFunc
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  112. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilFuncSeparate
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  113. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilMask
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  114. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilMaskSeparate
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  115. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilOp
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  116. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilOpSeparate
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  117. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  118. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texParameterf
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  119. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texParameteri
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  120. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texSubImage2D
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  121. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform1fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  122. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform1iv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  123. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform2fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  124. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform2iv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  125. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform3fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  126. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform3iv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  127. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform4fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  128. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform4iv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  129. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ useProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  130. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ validateProgram
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  131. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1f
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  132. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  133. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  134. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2f
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  135. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  136. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  137. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3f
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  138. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  139. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  140. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4f
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  141. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  142. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4fv
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  143. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttribPointer
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  144. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ viewport
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ offset-path
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  2. css ➞ selectors ➞ autofill
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  3. css ➞ properties ➞ counter-reset ➞ reset_does_not_affect_siblings
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  4. css ➞ selectors ➞ buffering Spec link
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  5. css ➞ selectors ➞ muted Spec link
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  6. css ➞ selectors ➞ paused
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  7. css ➞ selectors ➞ picture-in-picture
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  8. css ➞ selectors ➞ playing
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  9. css ➞ selectors ➞ seeking Spec link
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  10. css ➞ selectors ➞ stalled Spec link
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  11. css ➞ selectors ➞ volume-locked Spec link
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  12. css ➞ types ➞ sin
    Backfilled for Safari  βžž  1 of 3 engines


  1. javascript ➞ builtins ➞ Function ➞ toString ➞ toString_revision
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. mathml ➞ elements ➞ merror
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mfrac
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  3. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mi
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  4. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mmultiscripts
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  5. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mn
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  6. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mo
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  7. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mover
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  8. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mpadded
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  9. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mphantom
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  10. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mroot
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  11. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mrow
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  12. mathml ➞ elements ➞ ms
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  13. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mspace
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  14. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msqrt
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  15. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msub
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  16. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msubsup
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  17. mathml ➞ elements ➞ msup
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  18. mathml ➞ elements ➞ mtext
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  19. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munder
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  20. mathml ➞ elements ➞ munderover
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  21. mathml ➞ elements ➞ semantics
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  2 of 3 engines


  1. webextensions ➞ api ➞ extension ➞ getViews ➞ windowId
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  3 of 3 engines
  2. webextensions ➞ api ➞ identity ➞ launchWebAuthFlow ➞ redirect_uri
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  1 of 3 engines
  3. webextensions ➞ api ➞ topSites ➞ get
    Backfilled for Firefox  βžž  2 of 3 engines
  4. webextensions ➞ manifest ➞ page_action
    Backfilled for Chrome  βžž  3 of 3 engines

New entries (150)

The entries in this section were not found in BCD on Tuesday 26 July 2022, but are now present. These usually do not have any support information attached to them, and often have no corresponding MDN page. Sometimes, entries that appear here also appear in the next section (β€œRemoved BCD entries”) because of a Working Group deciding on a rename.


  1. api ➞ FetchEvent ➞ respondWith ➞ networkerror_on_same-origin_cors
  2. api ➞ SVGStyleElement ➞ disabled
  3. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ activeTexture
  4. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ attachShader
  5. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindAttribLocation
  6. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindBuffer
  7. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindFramebuffer
  8. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindRenderbuffer
  9. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bindTexture
  10. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendColor
  11. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendEquation
  12. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendEquationSeparate
  13. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFunc
  14. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFuncSeparate ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  15. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ blendFuncSeparate
  16. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bufferData
  17. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ canvas ➞ OffscreenCanvas
  18. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ canvas
  19. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ checkFramebufferStatus
  20. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clear
  21. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearColor
  22. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearDepth
  23. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ clearStencil
  24. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ colorMask
  25. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ commit
  26. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compileShader
  27. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexImage2D ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  28. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexImage2D
  29. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  30. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D
  31. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ copyTexImage2D
  32. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ copyTexSubImage2D
  33. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createBuffer
  34. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createFramebuffer
  35. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createProgram
  36. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createRenderbuffer
  37. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createShader
  38. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ createTexture
  39. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ cullFace
  40. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteBuffer
  41. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteFramebuffer
  42. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteProgram
  43. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteRenderbuffer
  44. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteShader
  45. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ deleteTexture
  46. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthFunc
  47. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthMask
  48. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ depthRange
  49. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ detachShader
  50. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ disable
  51. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ disableVertexAttribArray
  52. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawArrays
  53. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawElements
  54. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawingBufferHeight
  55. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ drawingBufferWidth
  56. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ enable
  57. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ enableVertexAttribArray
  58. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ finish
  59. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ flush
  60. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ framebufferRenderbuffer
  61. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ framebufferTexture2D
  62. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ frontFace
  63. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ generateMipmap
  64. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getActiveAttrib
  65. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getActiveUniform
  66. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getAttachedShaders
  67. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getAttribLocation
  68. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getBufferParameter
  69. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getContextAttributes
  70. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getError
  71. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getExtension
  72. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getFramebufferAttachmentParameter
  73. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getParameter
  74. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getProgramInfoLog
  75. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getProgramParameter
  76. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getRenderbufferParameter
  77. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderInfoLog
  78. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderParameter
  79. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderPrecisionFormat
  80. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getShaderSource
  81. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getSupportedExtensions
  82. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getTexParameter
  83. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getUniform
  84. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getUniformLocation
  85. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getVertexAttrib
  86. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ getVertexAttribOffset
  87. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ hint
  88. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isBuffer
  89. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isContextLost
  90. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isEnabled
  91. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isFramebuffer
  92. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isProgram
  93. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isRenderbuffer
  94. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isShader
  95. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ isTexture
  96. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ linkProgram
  97. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ makeXRCompatible
  98. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ pixelStorei
  99. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ polygonOffset
  100. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ readPixels ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  101. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ readPixels
  102. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ renderbufferStorage
  103. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ sampleCoverage
  104. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ scissor
  105. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ shaderSource
  106. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilFunc
  107. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilFuncSeparate
  108. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilMask
  109. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilMaskSeparate
  110. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilOp
  111. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ stencilOpSeparate
  112. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texImage2D
  113. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texParameterf
  114. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texParameteri
  115. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ texSubImage2D
  116. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform1fv
  117. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform1iv
  118. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform2fv
  119. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform2iv
  120. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform3fv
  121. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform3iv
  122. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform4fv
  123. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ uniform4iv
  124. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ useProgram
  125. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ validateProgram
  126. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1f
  127. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  128. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1fv
  129. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2f
  130. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  131. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2fv
  132. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3f
  133. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  134. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3fv
  135. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4f
  136. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  137. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4fv
  138. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ vertexAttribPointer
  139. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ viewport


  1. css ➞ properties ➞ counter-reset ➞ reset_does_not_affect_siblings
  2. css ➞ selectors ➞ buffering
  3. css ➞ selectors ➞ modal
  4. css ➞ selectors ➞ muted
  5. css ➞ selectors ➞ paused
  6. css ➞ selectors ➞ picture-in-picture
  7. css ➞ selectors ➞ playing
  8. css ➞ selectors ➞ seeking
  9. css ➞ selectors ➞ stalled
  10. css ➞ selectors ➞ volume-locked
  11. css ➞ types ➞ sin

Removed entries (50)

The entries in this section were found in BCD on Tuesday 26 July 2022, but are no longer present. The reasons for this removal can be anything from an experimental proposal that was never supported to a property or value being renamed to something else.


  1. api ➞ GestureEvent ➞ GestureEvent
  2. api ➞ MediaStream ➞ stop
  3. api ➞ ProgressEvent ➞ initProgressEvent
  4. api ➞ RTCDataChannel ➞ stream
  5. api ➞ WebGL2RenderingContext ➞ bufferSubData ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  6. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ bindBuffer ➞ WebGL2
  7. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ bindFramebuffer ➞ WebGL2
  8. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ bindTexture ➞ WebGL2
  9. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ blendEquation ➞ WebGL2
  10. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ blendEquationSeparate ➞ WebGL2
  11. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ bufferData ➞ WebGL2
  12. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ bufferSubData ➞ WebGL2
  13. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ checkFramebufferStatus ➞ WebGL2
  14. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ compressedTexImage2D ➞ WebGL2
  15. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  16. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ compressedTexSubImage2D ➞ WebGL2
  17. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ framebufferRenderbuffer ➞ WebGL2
  18. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ framebufferTexture2D ➞ WebGL2
  19. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ generateMipmap ➞ WebGL2
  20. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getBufferParameter ➞ WebGL2
  21. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getFramebufferAttachmentParameter ➞ WebGL2
  22. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getProgramParameter ➞ WebGL2
  23. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getRenderbufferParameter ➞ WebGL2
  24. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getTexParameter ➞ WebGL2
  25. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getUniform ➞ WebGL2
  26. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ getVertexAttrib ➞ WebGL2
  27. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ isEnabled ➞ WebGL2
  28. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ pixelStorei ➞ WebGL2
  29. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ readPixels ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  30. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ readPixels ➞ WebGL2
  31. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ renderbufferStorage ➞ WebGL2
  32. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texImage2D ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  33. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texImage2D ➞ WebGL2
  34. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texParameterf ➞ WebGL2
  35. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texParameteri ➞ WebGL2
  36. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texSubImage2D ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  37. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ texSubImage2D ➞ WebGL2
  38. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix2fv ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  39. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix2fv ➞ WebGL2
  40. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix3fv ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  41. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix3fv ➞ WebGL2
  42. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix4fv ➞ WebGL2 ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  43. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ uniformMatrix4fv ➞ WebGL2
  44. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib1fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  45. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib2fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  46. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib3fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
  47. api ➞ WebGLRenderingContext ➞ vertexAttrib4fv ➞ SharedArrayBuffer_as_param


  1. html ➞ manifest ➞ dir
  2. html ➞ manifest ➞ iarc_rating_id
  3. html ➞ manifest ➞ lang